DAY 2 YOGA CHALLENGE I'm sharing this photo for a project I'm working on with @sante_yoga and @tiarillygibson in raising awareness on issues faced in developing countries regarding the female menstrual cycle. In January we will be heading to Kenya where we will be teaching girls about the cycle, how to cope during menstruation and develop self love and acceptance through yoga. You can donate to our Just Giving account 🙏🏽 (link also in my bio) which will be used to provide 25 girls with 3 reusable pads which costs appx $8 each through a wonderful company called Afripads. Afripads employs women in Kenya to hand make reusable sanitary pads. Together we can help support girls lacking sufficient supplies during menstruation so they no longer have to miss school, and we can move past the taboo and shame surrounding a very natural process of life and the female body.
I chose #bakasana for my empowering pose. There are two Sanskrit terms commonly used in yoga known as Sthira (steadiness; or firm, strong, resolute, courageous) and Sukha (ease; or joyful, gentle, agreeable, good). Incorporating sthira and sukha into one’s practice is to find the balance between effort and effortless; in committing and letting go; yin and yang. Bakasana, for me, is always a pose that demands both sthira and sukha. I must remain grounded and firm in order to hold myself up yet bring lightness and ease to the pose in order to breathe and feel a sense of contentment and delight instead of struggle or force. Finding this balance on my mat empowers me to also find this balance in life; to honor both the masculine and feminine qualities of my being; to work hard and always give my personal best yet remember to let go of expectation or outcome; to arrive with passion and vigor but within the natural flow of life. “Nature does not hurry yet everything is still accomplished.” -Lao Tzu #girlpower #female#empowerment #strength#effortless #joy #yinyang #sthira#sukha #letgo #yoga#yogachallenge #africayoga#kenya #charity #donate #afripads@sante_yoga @tiatillygibson@the_south_african_yogi@yogaempowerment@ballet_yoga_girl